TEM is calling God's children back to the undiluted Truth.
Today Evangelical Ministries — preparing God’s children for the coming of the Lord with strict adherence to the undiluted, wholesome teaching, doctrine and mission of Christ.

About The Ministry
Today Evangelical Ministries began with the encounter Dr. Emeka O. Ozurumba had with The Lord years ago, in which The Lord confined him to his home and environs for a period of three years and taught and revealed to him the mysteries of the Kingdom of God as embodied in the inseparable “Two Keys” to The Kingdom of God – Love and Obedience. It is these raw and uncompromising truths that are expounded by the work of this ministry.

Our Mission as Today Evangelical Ministries is to the body of Christ, to prepare God’s children for the coming of the Lord, stir them up to examine themselves, to determine if their lives are truly in agreement with the undiluted Word of God and whether they are truly born of God and ready TODAY to meet the Lord.
It is a call to return to the love of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; an urgent call to live the Word and teach others likewise, while shunning the prevailing manipulative, deceptive, lying, prosperity, covetous and “feel good” doctrine of man.
Our mission therefore is strict adherence to the undiluted, wholesome teaching, doctrine and mission of Christ.
To the only eternal God, be all glory now and forever. Amen.
Our Call and Our Vision is to reach all members of the body of Christ with an urgent appeal to redeem the time while there is time, by returning to the undiluted, uncompromised, wholesome teaching and doctrine of Christ.
There is an urgent need for the body of Christ to live the truth and embrace once and for all God’s true characteristics of righteousness and holiness, without which no one shall enter His divine rest; for two certainly cannot walk, fellowship, or live together except they are agreed.
For no matter how clever and knowledgeable we profess to be, the essence of time is in God’s exclusive hand and with Him there is no variation, or shadow of turning, or partiality whatsoever. He is God; and He changes not for anyone, people, or nation.
Salvation is to eternal life, as eternal life is to know God; and to know God is to love Him and implicitly obey Him. Perfect love for God and all people and implicit obedience to God are the two keys of, and to the kingdom of God.
The foundation of the kingdom of God is anchored on these two keys, and the character of God is defined by them.
These two inseparable keys are the keys of transformation to His holy image; they are the keys to understanding the mysteries of the kingdom of God.
We’re sincerely delighted, and thank you for visiting our website today. It is a great pleasure for us to have the opportunity to introduce you into the fellowship of God’s dedicated, loving, and faithful remnant at Today Evangelical Ministries.
Online Bible Study
Today Evangelical Ministries undertakes weekly Online Bible Study teachings in various
countries around the world. We are currently in the USA, India, Colombia and Nigeria. These consist
of multiple meetings in the English language in eight discrete locations with some translated
into Tamil and Telugu (India), Spanish (Colombia) and Afikpo and Nnorie dialects of the Igbo
language (Nigeria).
We pray that God blesses you abundantly as you join us by clicking on any of the meeting links
for any region around the world with time in the various time zones detailed below.
-TEM Houston TX, USA (English)
-TEM Lagos, Nigeria (English)
-TEM Afikpo, Nigeria (English & Igbo)
-TEM Afikpo, Nigeria Youth Meeting (English & Igbo)
-TEM Nnorie, Nigeria (English & Igbo)
-Grace and Truth Restoration Assembly Owerri, Nigeria (English)
-Iglesias Antorchas de Fuego Cali, Colombia (English & Spanish)
-Gates of Heaven Church Kakinada, India (English & Telugu)
-New Testament Church Srikakulam, India (English & Telugu)
Our Featured Ministry Books
Today Evangelical Ministries and Dr. Emeka O. Ozurumba have, by God’s Grace, been able to publish relevant and timely books that have helped The Body of Christ see what God truly desires from His children. Feel free to listen to the audiobooks on Youtube or purchase the physical and digital books on Amazon.
The Sanctity of Marriage
By Dr. Emeka O. Ozurumba
The Two Keys to the Kingdom of God
By Dr. Emeka O. Ozurumba
Living in the Bondage of Spiritual Fear of the Unknown
By Dr. Emeka O. Ozurumba
Get Involved!
Today Evangelical Ministries is seeking to expand the Kingdom work of the Lord and we need your help! Get involved today through Outreach, Volunteering, Serving or Interceding. Click “Read More” for more information on serving!
Today Evangelical Ministries Radio Broadcast
‘Today’ Radio Broadcast on Vision Africa 104.1FM Umuahia
Spiritual Repentance (Part One)
A Teaching Program of Today Evangelical Ministries - teachings on the Fundamental Foundation of the Kingdom
Foundation of Eternal Life (Part One)
A Teaching Program of Today Evangelical Ministries - teachings on the Fundamental Foundation of the Kingdom
Foundation of Eternal Life (Part Two)
A Teaching Program of Today Evangelical Ministries - teachings on the Fundamental Foundation of the Kingdom
We Want to Connect with You!
We truly seek to make real and tangible connections with those who follow Today Evangelical Ministries. We want to get involved with your lives and your situation just as Christ came to be involved with ours. And sign up for our newsletter to stay in the know!